Tasks = AI Prompts + Personas + You!

Spark content with detailed AI task templates.

AI Task templates generate more useful and constistent content by combining detailed resusable AI prompts with branded personas. Tasks can be used on their own or with any workflow you create.

If you can dream it you can do it

Explore our hand crafted Ai task library and write better copy today!

Get started with our built in library of sparks or get an account and build your own to create custom workflows.

Shorten by Half

Takes the input and make it less wordy by half while retaining meaning, summaries, and any calls to action.

Verify and Correct Spelling and Grammar

Use to test and correct the grammar in the content used.

Rewrite in My Brand Writing Style

Make this spark your own by copying the spark and choosing your brand persona. Once done it will rewrite the content in that style.